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With these passwords, they are only a click away from breaking your passwords. And so you can use a tool such as aircrack to break them. But before you do, you should read this article on Password Shaming.
So if you think that it is not at all possible to guess your password, then you are wrong. It is possible. Often it is even easier. Which password you use should be, of course, the password you don't want to be guessed. But if it is a password you use often, it could be guessed just by trial and error. You don't even have to be a genius.
These passwords are often very simple, such as 123456, asdfgjhk, or some other easy to guess combinations of numbers and characters. The only thing they have in common is that they are all easy to remember. You can easily imagine that hackers can sometimes guess what an account's password is, by just guessing it.
EasyTau 2 is available as a freely downloadable, fully functional application to run on Windows or Mac. A release also runs on Linux. The source code for EasyTau 2 is available under the GNU General Public License version 2 or later. Please refer to the EasyTau 2 download page for more details.
To download a free demo version of EasyTau 2, please visit the EasyTau Website at: . Software updates will be provided regularly over time. To request additional information or to make a purchase of EasyTau 2, please visit our professional software store at: .
The Ondax Group, headquartered in Heidelberg, Germany, is a privately owned consultancy firm specialized in the development of innovative optical solutions. With over 100 employees, Ondax offers the full range of services from hardware design, project implementation, data management and customization to post-sales support.
This new software package is designed and tested for both Windows XP and Windows 7 Operating Systems. It consists of a stand-alone executable file that can be run on a PC without installation. EasyTau 2 runs on all current Microsoft Windows versions, and it is not limited to a particular computer hardware platform. It does not require any hardware modifications, and it has no compatibility issues with other software tools. It works with both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. 827ec27edc