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The tenement, which has grown with the growing city, has now reachedwhat it was designed for, the condition of the typical city, dense,unhealthy, and overcrowded. Such tenements are no longer confined to theEast Side of our great, populous cities. It is now spreading westwardtoward the suburbs. There, too, it has reached the limit of its growth andits development. There it is a curse. The city is too vast for it. Too manypeople must live in it. The neighborhood is too small for it. It isnot worth while for people to go farther in order to save cost. Theneglected and decaying tenement houses in the suburbs have a sordid,sinister appearance. They are now, however, rising in price. The gentlestof the suburbs has made a bold effort to keep them in bounds, todeter them from spreading farther. The demand for the suburb hastherefore reached a point beyond which it could not go. The suburb isfinally, a barrier to the tenement, just as the tenement is a barrier tothe city. The law which forbids a tenement owner to remove hishouse into the suburbs is the only regulation of value which has had effectin the tenement problem. The tenement, however, has to go somewhere.The law has had a salutary influence on the tenement in its relationsto the city. It has forced the city to pay for the sidewalk and thestreet car. It has made the city keep its eyes open for business. Ithas compelled it to make laws for its protection. It has taught thecity to take up the care of its poor. It has saved the city from thespectacle of an unhindered free-for-all in the tenement. But it has notyet taught the city to build tenements and regulate the use of land.It has not yet taught the city to prevent the growing settlement othetenement in the suburbs. And it has not yet taught the city toward a system of justice which will cause the landlord to meetthe tenant, the tenant to work, the child to learn, and the man ofpride to take a pride in his own home. It is the city itself whichhas to learn this. The lesson is not yet learned. Even the police havenot learned it. It is time that it was.
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