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Thank you Michael for your help, and thank you to the other people who helped in this project by sharing their photos and other sources. If you would like to help with an image or piece of information for future editions of the book, please contact me at [email protected] - any help would be greatly appreciated.
I would also like to thank all of the contributors who have shared their valuable opinions on the book and its content. As you know, a book is a collaborative effort and the only way to get an accurate depiction of a book is to bring together a group of people to read and discuss it. I also want to thank all of you for allowing me to share your experiences with Pigtails in Paint with others. The book would have been much poorer without you. Thank you.
I am especially grateful to the contributors who allowed me to use their original texts to create hyperlinks in the body of the site. I am also grateful to the contributors who allowed me to use some of their images in the structure of the site as well as in the body of the site. One of them is the amazing Brambleton who is a very talented fashion photographer whose work we are starting to explore more. Many of his images are used in the Portfolio section of the site.
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