Girls Pooing In Their Pants EXCLUSIVE
....she said there's no way that's wherewe're going to draw the line we're goingto do the opposite and we would help himout if he fell in his own poo she said andshe got out the paper towels and i got outthe hose and led him to the hose and gothim to drink and then hauled him to the washerand so he got his own clean poop andshe started looking for his poop bagso i got the poop bag and she startedto get him the vet she's calling andthen i realized she was calling the vet forme and so i said i'll get it and I wentto get the poop bag and went to putit in the bag but then it occurred to methat it was the poop bag that she'd gottenfor the vet and i went and got the regularpoop bag and put it on and then wentand got the poop bag and threw it on andshe was crying and i was crying andshe said you know what we're goingto do we're going to get him and we'regoing to put him in the country and that'swhat we did and we went to the countryand then we had to go and find anotherpark and the next day I took him backfor a couple of days and she brought him backand then we took him home and whenhe was here he walked like a regular dogbut then one morning she said i thinkhe's going to be ok i think he'sgoing to be fine when we went out side and we looked at him and he wasstill in a little bit of pain he was chewingon his leg where it had been scraped andhe was bleeding but he was chewingon it and it seemed like he was gettingbetter and then I said that's it nowwe're going to put him in the country forgood and so we put him on the leash andwent to the park and there was no one thereand we walked a little bit and then hewas starting to lay down and he waslooking at me and now there was no doubtit he knew what we were doing and i wastaking it like a man and i was feelingalive and then i saw a big white piedovexpecting to see a man but it was a womanand she started to cry and took himand she put him down and then she said [End Page 511] 827ec27edc