Sketchup Plugin Shape Bender
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The tool allows you to specify what area to be fit along a path and the shape bender plugin automatically fits the object along the path. And you have control of flipping the object either inside or outside the path area. Thanks for everyones solutions, I actually got too frustrated trying to make shape bender work, I downloaded another extension called true bend and I was able to achieve the bend I was hoping for. I will try your suggestions to make shape bender and option for the future. Thanks again!
The tool allows you to specify what area to be fit along a path and the shape bender plugin automatically fits the object along the path. And you have control of flipping the object either inside or outside the path area. Sometimes you will need to play with the location of the object by pressing the up and down arrows. The plugin works well but it is very important to note that the object to be fitted should be a group or component and the line describing the objects length should be on the RED axis.
I've tried the shape bender manual but can't get it to work the first time I try it. I've re-installed the plugin several times and still can't get shape bender to work. I got the shape bender icon on the toolbar but when I click on it nothing happens. I have installed other plugins and they work. I was able to use the shape bender manual to create a cone, and I was able to save it as a component. I'm using Sketchup 8.0.2 and Progress 14, installed on a Windows 7 x64 machine.
I am trying to get shape bender to work in MicroStation. I have installed the progessbar.rb plugin, and the shape bender icon appears on my toolbar. I click on the icon, and nothing happens. When I move my mouse over the component, the blue lines disappear, and the shape bender icon (instead of having a blue line around it) changes to the little pencil with a line below. However, when I click on the pencil, nothing happens.
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