Store Files Online
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If you're just looking for a place to store files, we recommend Dropbox , Google Drive , or 4shared . All three have unlimited storage, but only Google Drive offers syncing. As with any online storage service, there will be limitations on the types of files you can store, and you'll find that some are less flexible than others. For example, Google Drive does not support ZIP files. Remember that the features and benefits of a service vary by provider. Some of them offer very specific features (e.g., the ability to exchange encrypted files), while others just offer basic features. You'll also want to pay attention to the storage and bandwidth caps that apply to your account.
If you're not sure which cloud storage service is right for you, or you're just looking for a good deal, we've assembled some of the best cloud storage options below. We've listed several services that are well established and reputable, as well as several that are less established but still offer what you need. Many of the services in our roundup offer both online storage and online syncing, which can be useful for more than just backing up your files. The services we've selected allow you to upload files up to 2GB in size, and you can access them from any device. Some of them also offer a few extras and features that are not available on many of the others, such as security features (e.g., Encrypted File Sharing) and remote file deletion.
The features and benefits of a service vary by provider. Some of them offer very specific features (e.g., the ability to exchange encrypted files) while others just offer basic features. You'll also want to pay attention to the storage and bandwidth caps that apply to your account. For example, Backblaze has an unlimited storage plan, but the maximum file size is 50GB.
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