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Data were collected between March and May 2012 using semi-structured interviews, which were conducted in English or the local language of the participants. The interviews were conducted in person, on the phone, or virtually.
Policymakers in each of the six countries were identified through the contacts of the chief of the relevant national health ministry and through personal networks. The key informants interviewed were midwifery personnel with oversight roles or extensive experience in maternal and newborn health. Midwifery personnel were eligible to participate if they had significant involvement in policy or program development in maternal and newborn health. Informed consent was obtained from all participants.
All interviews were transcribed verbatim and translated when necessary. Transcripts were coded by JG, KK and GI, using an inductive and iterative process to identify key themes. The codes were then tested by a second coder. The second coder independently coded a proportion of the transcripts and then discussed any coding discrepancies with JG and KK. JG, KK and GI then reached a consensus on the coding framework. Thematic analysis was performed across interviews and partners.
Partners included representatives from donor organisations, host organisations, and the WHO/UNICEF technical support team. Partner organisations and the WHO/UNICEF technical support team were eligible to participate if they had provided any substantive assistance to midwifery professional associations in developing their policy or program development activities, including collaboration in this capacity. No formal criteria or inclusion criteria were used to select the partner organisations or the WHO/UNICEF technical support team. Informal in-person and/or phone interviews were conducted with staff from partner organisations and the WHO/UNICEF technical support team. The key informants were selected from the partners that participated in the MDPI Policy and Programme Support for midwifery for the respective countries.
The projects were developed in a range of countries, including the US (n=21), Europe (n=12), Asia (n=8), Africa (n=4), and South America (n=3). The median number of users was eight (interquartile range (IQR): 6-12), and 17% (n=9) of the projects had more than 100 active users (Table 3).
The following software tools were used in this research:
• FreeSurfer (version 5.3.0):
• FSL (FMRIB Software Library, version 4.1.0):
• FSL_FLIRT (FMRIB's Linear Image Registration Tool, version 1.3):
• FSL_GLM (FMRIB's LocalModel, version 1.0):
• GAP_SURF (Geometrical Analysis of Proteins, version 5.13.11):
• G_NIfTI (GNU, version 2.0):
• MATLAB (version 2012b):
• MRIcro (version 1.3.6):
• MRtrix (version 1.3):
• Osirix:
• ROIMatch (version 0.97):
• Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) version 8 and Matlab (version 2012b): 827ec27edc