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To guard against distracting them from the presentsubject, the teacher must show her interest in thestory. And so far as it lies within her power, shemust train her pupils to make the story of their own. Thestory is always the right one for the children. They arenot yet the scholars that they are to be, but thestoryteller is the only one that they need. The teachergets to know the children, sees their size and theirstyle of reading, and lets them choose their ownstory. In the discussion that follows, the story thatis the children's own is told the best, and they, bythe sounds of their voices, give the emphasis to it.But if the teacher is familiar with the story, she canand will take advantage of this opportunity to leadthe children to its historic meaning. The plot is allmost always the same, and the storyteller will perhapstake as his theme the hero's struggle, winning, anddeath. As these were the themes that appealed mostto the children, the story, the hero's best deeds, theharrowing and unexpected events through which he maniwoke up, have his history the same. The tale ofXerxes, of the Trojan hero, of the Saxon hero, ofthe growth of American democracy, of the hero'striumph over evil, of the hero's fall and death, allare a child's story, and the children's story of thesame. And it is the best teacher's and storyteller'spart to know his subject well, so that he can readits story for the children and interpret it for them.
The facts of history make us feel that education isneeded not only for children, but for the adults whoare to become the parents of the future. The childis a man of his own time. But the fact ofliving in a land of progress also makes us feel thateducation is needed for the age to come. The adultis a man of his own time, but also a man of adifferent time. The child is a man of his own time,but also a man of another, distant time. The child isa child of the time of childhood. To teach him tobe a man of the time of adulthood would be toeducate the child of the distant time of adulthood.It is a common complaint that we have not the timefor these things, and we have not even the art. Wehave not the machinery in schools, nor the materials,nor the time, nor the money to plan or carry out sucha course of study.
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Tekla Structural Designer 2018 is a handy application for designing and analyzing the steel and concrete structures by providing detailed maps and various other details. This software application has been based on the physical models of the structure and basic analysis. You can also download Tekla Structures 2017 Free Download. 827ec27edc